Opening Launch: Wednesday 3 April 6-8pm | Exhibition Dates: April 3 - April 20, 2024

Odessa Mahony-de Vries

Spilling Over

Spilling Over is loud, colourful, and energetic, putting the handmade front and centre through bold brushstrokes. This exhibition features recent abstract expressionist paintings on canvas and ceramics, pushing the materiality of paint to the forefront using layering, fluidity and sculptural forms. Driven by the physicality of paint and colour, Odessa channels them into an active exploration of process. Working quickly, responding immediately, she navigates the interplay of painterly gestures and dynamic compositions to find resolution. Often, borders are created within the canvas, only to be disregarded and dismantled later by extending the paint and blurring lines.

Tallulah Ainsworth and Sophie Johnson

Pack Mentality

What do we want? We want to bite and hold and care and hug and love and laugh and bark

Who are we? Just creatures. All just creatures

We want to know what makes us. What lives inside us. What internal mess creates a being?

Pack mentality is an exploration of complex interpersonal relationships through the dichotomy of canines and humans. Sophie Johnson presents an idealized version of human connections, contrasted against the simplicity of animal bonds- depicted by Tallulah Ainsworth. Simultaneously, we confront the dynamics of human interactions, emphasizing the struggle between aspiration and the complexities of daily life. How animals interact and form interpersonal connections is a mirror image of human beings but whittled down to a basic level, uncomplicated. Reflective of everything we want to be and everything we loathe to be. Primal instincts reside within us, awaiting the opportunity to break free from the confines of conscious thought, the dogs are unburdened by this. Their companionship is our catharsis.

Alex Slattery

Oh what a grievous sin it is

"Oh, what grievous sin it is!" is an exploration of the subtle, intricate emotions that define our human experience. In this collection of 15 to 20 works, I aim to delve into the juxtaposition of our interconnectedness with the people and world around us with the poignant moments of loneliness that often accompany it. Through my art, I seek to capture the essence of those emotions that are felt but rarely expressed, the moments of quiet contemplation, and the delicate threads that connect us all.